Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Clive Barkers Jericho (PC/FullIso/Multi)

Game Platforme(s) : PC | Language : Multi (5) | Release Date : Oct 23, 2007
Publisher : Codemasters | Developer : Mercury Steam | Genre : Horror Action Adventure
Size : 3.95 Gb
CliveBarkers Jericho is an inconsistent first-person shooter, alternatingbetween moments of pure, atmospheric greatness and irritating designparadoxes that suck the fun out of the gameplay. For every incredibleset piece–a battle in a Roman gladiator arena, fearful attacks byghostly children–there is a frustrating sequence that puts everyshortcoming in the game proudly on display. Theres a lot going on, andsometimes it comes together exquisitely. More often, Jerichos variouselements get in the way of one another, creating a game youll love onemoment and hate the next.

Horror writer Clive Barkers touch ismost evident in Jerichos overall sense of impending doom. Thetime-traveling narrative takes you to a number of eras–World War II,ancient Sumeria–and all of them are wrapped in a demonic haze ofdarkness and dread. The architecture is brooding and imposing, shadowedcorners look like they could harbor something truly sinister, and softambient lighting brings it all together to make for a cohesive look. Thesound design is equally sinister, with the quiet, pulsing soundtrackand the sound of dripping water making you wonder what you might beencountering ahead. That isnt to say that Jericho is a truly scarygame. Its incredibly dark (youll get good use of your flashlight),often intense, and always a little eerie, but youll never jump out ofyour seat. Its a Gothic paradise, and as a study in pure atmosphere, itsucceeds in spades. The story itself never really takes advantage ofall this thick, fearful ambience. The setup is pretty awesome on itsown, though. In the beginning, God didnt create Adam and Eve–Hecreated a sexless being known as the firstborn. Turns out that wholeexperiment didnt work out too well, and the thing got locked away in analternate reality, where it occasionally gets too bored and tries toescape. The secretive Jericho squad exists to shove the firstborn backwhere it belongs. Too bad the script itself is just a thin slice ofnonsense, featuring far too many hokey one-liners (praise the Lord andpass the ammunition!) than good taste allows. And just when you arefinally getting into it, the game ends with a lame boss fight withoutanswering any of the main questions it raised. Leaving room for a sequelis one thing; creating a story that literally goes nowhere is somethingelse entirely.
Your own character, Ross, can jump from onemember of Jericho squad to another, which sets up the games mostintriguing–and successful–mechanic. At any point, you can take controlof any of the remaining six members of the squad, and each of themhandle quite differently from the others. First of all, they comeequipped with different weaponry. More importantly, most of them havetwo special skills at their disposal, from Coles ability to slow downtime, to Delgados knack for setting foes on fire, to Churchsenemy-paralyzing cloud of blood. At first, its tough to remember whichsquadmate possesses which weapons and which skills, but the game does agood job of introducing you to the powers one by one, and eventually itbecomes second nature.
That isnt to say that every character isparticularly useful. Churchs rooting skill and Coles time-slowingability are possibly the most useful powers, since they give you time toact. Jones, on the other hand, only gets an astral projection skill,and its rarely helpful outside of some of the games puzzles. Youdthink with six different unique characters to control that Jericho mightbe spreading itself too thin, but while that is true with otherelements in Jericho, the different skills give you a lot of varietywithout making things feel schizophrenic. The characters you arent incontrol of at any given time are governed by the games semiadequateartificial intelligence, and you can give them rudimentary orders tostay behind, fall back, or move to a specified location. But this iswhere Jericho begins to stumble–big-time.

Setup Instruction
1- Extract Rar File
2- Mount ISO file with DAEMON Tools (Or whatever)
3- Click Setup.exe to Instal the Game
4- Copy All Content Crack Folder to the Folder Game Directory
5- Play & Have Fun ……………….. Enjoy ;)
Minimum System Requirements
* Os : Windows@Xp/Windows@Vista
* Processor : CPU Intel Pentium IV 2.4 GHz / AMD Athelon XP 2400+
* Memory : 1 GB Of RAM
* Video Card : 3D 128 Mb Compatible with DirectX@9.0c (Nvidia GeForce 8600 GX / ATI Radeon xprs 2450)
* Sound Card : Compatible with DirectX@9.0c
* HDD : 2 GB Free Space Drive
* DirectX : DirectX@9.0c
* Keyboard/Mouse
* CD/DVD-ROM Drive 32x Fast Speed
Recommanded System Requirements
* Os : Windows@Xp/Windows@Vista
* Processor : CPU Intel Core2Duo 2.0 GHz / AMD Athelon 64×2 or higher
* Memory : 2 GB Of RAM
* Video Card : 3D 256 Mb Compatible with DirectX@9.0c (Nvidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon X1950)
* Sound Card : Compatible with DirectX@9.0c
* HDD : 2 GB Free Space Drive
* DirectX : DirectX@9.0c
* Keyboard/Mouse
* CD/DVD-ROM Drive 32x Fast Speed

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